What is Sand Tray?

You may have noticed our “Sand Tray of the Week” posts, but what exactly does that mean? Our counsellors use the late Madeleine De Little’s model: Neuroscience and Satir in the Sand Tray (NSST) approach, an experiential therapeutic technique that can benefit both children and adults. In Sand Tray therapy, miniature figures are used to tell a story in the sand about an individual’s internal world. This process helps access parts of the brain and body that are not consciously available to the individual, facilitating emotional expression and healing.

How Does it Work?

The process begins with the counsellor inviting the client to create a picture in the tray using miniature figurines. There are many miniatures to choose from including animals, people, buildings and landscapes. Sometimes, the counsellor will provide a specific prompt, such as “Show me your family in the tray” or “Can you find a figure that shows what that feeling looks like?” Other times, the counsellor will invite the individual to show what they would like to work on.  

Once a picture is created, the counsellor describes exactly what they see without interpreting the meaning behind each figure. To begin to facilitate reflection and insight, the counsellor asks questions about the figures in the tray, for example, “What is that one doing?” or “Is there anything that one needs to help him?” As the process unfolds, the questions begin to uncover the individual’s defenses-- protective behaviours that are developed in response to stress and painful and traumatic experiences.

NSST not only provides the opportunity to explore the internal world, but also transform it by making changes to the miniatures in the tray. Clients are welcome to move, add, or take away figures at any time throughout the process. These changes begin to reflect positive hopes and “yearnings” and contribute to transforming how individuals relate to these painful experiences. Throughout the session, the counsellor will continuously check in with the individual and invite them to notice internal sensations and shifts happening within the body as they make changes to figures in the tray.

How is it Helpful?

NSST is a powerful tool that helps individuals gain access to the unconscious. Since the event being processed is not directly spoken about, there is a safe distance between the individual and the painful memory. This distance creates a contained environment with minimal risk for re-traumatization. Rather than focusing on the details of a specific event, NSST encourages clients to explore their internal world and the ways in which the issue is impacting them in present day.


Final Thoughts

There are numerous benefits to engaging in Sand Tray therapy. It provides a safe way for individuals to express themselves, especially for those who have difficulty communicating, such as young children. It also allows the client to determine the pace of the exploration process by selecting which objects they choose to place in the tray. Whether used individually or with families, NSST is a versatile and powerful tool. If you think you would like to explore this further with one of our counsellors, please give us a call at 250-753-0363.